Category for sugar loaf and sugar


Possessing factories of sugar loaves and various by-products, Taromi Trading supplies these products inside Iran and all over the world.

Production of this product is based on the best raw materials, emphasizing the updated technology and equipmet, and modern machinery with no intervention of hand, according to the latest world standards, under the supervision of the Iranian Ministries of “Mines & Industries,” and “Hygiene, Treatment & Medical Training”, while possessing all necessary licenses and confirmations.

At present, in our section for domestic commerce, we supply these products to Iranian market, and in our section for foreign commerce, to the international market.

Packaging of these products will be the existing packaging or the custom ones depending on the orders. Any change in the type of packaging depends on the type and volume of the order. A description of the supplied products is as follows:



1- sugar loaf

This is the primary product of the factories of this group and is produced in a completely mechanized way with no direct intervention of hand using the method of filtering melt and cooking in vacuum. Production of this industrial product and its annual production capacity is 6000 M.T. Packaging of this product is in 9kg., 27kg., and 40kg. cartons.



2- sugar loaf broken into pieces and packed

The industrial production of this product was first vastly done by the factories of this group in southern Iran, observing all domestic/international standards under the supervision of the Ministries of “Industries,” and “Hygiene, Treatment, and Medical Training”, in a completely mechanized method with no intervention of hand.

The quality of this product, the ease in its consumption, and its mechanized/hygienic production, all contributed to the market approval and the widespread interest of the consumers. This product is supplied in the following packaging, which is changeable according to the type and volume of the order:

12 x 900 gr. Cartons
24 x 450gr. Cartons
5kg. Cartons
10kg. Cartons
40kg. Cartons for bulk users


3- packed rock candy

This product is supplied in the following packs:

12 x 900gr. Cartons
24 x 450gr. Cartons


4- packed sugar

In this section, packed sugar is only supplied in 900gr. packs. However, it is also available in 50kg. sacks. It is worth mentioning that all the products are supplied in the two commercial sections:

1-dommestic commerce: to supply Iranian domestic consumers
2-foreign commerce: to supply consumers and purchasers from all over the world

For more information, please contact us.


